Carbon Footprints and Climate Action Planning

Whether you are a campus, community, business or other organization, we can help you achieve your greenhouse gas management goals. 

Level 1

Greenhouse Gas Inventory update – Collection of updated data from existing data sources

Level 2

New GHG Inventory Baseline (Basic) – Development of baseline/new GHG Inventory

  • For local governments, a municipal inventory, developed using the Local Government Protocol developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and standard tools such as ICLEI ClearPath software or CIRIS

  • For campuses, business or NGO’s, a Scope 1 and Scope 2 inventory, based on the Corporate Accounting Standard from WRI and using industry standard tools. Good for reporting to the Carbon Disclosure Project, Second Nature, AASHE STARS, etc. 

  • This will include provision of data management tools and strategies for streamlining the process of future updates. 

  • It will also include a basic annual report template and replicable communications plan for disseminating carbon footprint results with stakeholders.

Level 3

New GHG Inventory Baseline (Comprehensive) – Level 2 PLUS the completion of a community level inventory (for local governments); or comprehensive inventory including Scope 3 sources (for campuses/businesses/NGO’s)

  • These will also use relevant protocols from the World Resources Institute, and be developed within selected program parameters as relevant (e.g. for Second Nature, CDP, Compact of Mayors, etc)

Level 4

Basic Climate Action Analysis and Report – Levels 1 or 2, and 3, PLUS analyses of selected mitigation strategies, including cost benefit analysis of up to three comprehensive reduction scenarios; and development of a full length report

Level 5

Comprehensive Climate Action Planning – Levels 1 or 2, 3, & 4 PLUS facilitation of a comprehensive community engagement process to inform the development and selection of mitigation strategies, create community buy-in, and begin developing key partnerships for implementation.

The Next Steps…

Call U-CAN today for a free consultation with the U-CAN team of experts (203) 530-1180

Contact Us:
(203) 530-1180
Unlimited Carbon Assistance Network
14241 Midlothian Turnpike
Suite 168
Midlothian, VA 23113