Sustainability Assessment and Planning

Unlimited Carbon Assistance Network (U-CAN) is now offering institutions support on their STARS efforts. We have designed our services to support various levels of customer needs from a simple review to the development of the first application and matrix of point possibility from Silver to Gold along with an upgrade to version 2.1

Our Team has extensive knowledge in supporting institutions across the country on all of their climate initiatives. STARS Supporters is just the latest of our efforts. 

Level 1

Review of complete application searching for points missed or too little information for individual credits

Level 2

Level 1 PLUS a matrix of point possibility from Silver to Gold and upgrade to Version 2.1.

Level 3

Level 2 PLUS an ongoing process for updating and development, website population and submission

Level 4

Level 3 PLUS the collection of all required data and the development of the first application

The Next Steps…

Call U-CAN today for a free consultation with the U-CAN team of experts (203) 530-1180

Contact Us:
(203) 530-1180
Unlimited Carbon Assistance Network
14241 Midlothian Turnpike
Suite 168
Midlothian, VA 23113